Git: everything you need to know to not being a newbie | Guaranteed

Git: everything you need to know to not being a newbie | Guaranteed



  1. What is Git?
  2. How To Start A Git Project
  3. How To Send The First File To Git
  4. Branches
  5. Pull Requests
  6. How To Get Changes From Others In The Repository
  7. How To Delete A Repository
  8. Conclusion

1. What Is Git?

Git is a popular version control system used by developers to manage and track changes to their codebase.

Whether you’re a beginner just getting started with Git or an experienced user looking to refresh your knowledge, understanding the main Git commands is essential.

In this post, we’ll explore some of the most commonly used Git commands and how they can help you manage your codebase more effectively. From creating a repository and committing changes to branching and merging, we’ll cover everything you need to know to get started with Git.

So, let’s dive in and explore the world of Git!

2. How To Start A Git Project

2.1 – How To Create A GitHub Account

First of all, you’ll need to create an account in a repository platform, like GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, etc.

I recommend you using the GitHub because it is the most popular solution.

After creating your account, you’ll need to create a repository

Creating A Token To Your Computer

1 – Go to Settings

2 – Go To Developer Settings

3 – Click on Personal Acess Tokens, Tokens (classic), and Generate new token

4 – Give a name, set No expiration and give all the permissions (or as you want)

2.2. How To Create A Repository

What Is A Git Repository?

A repository (or “repo” for short) is a central location where a project’s files and history are stored.

It is essentially a directory on your computer that has been initialized with Git, allowing you to track changes to your files over time and collaborate with others.

Follow the steps to create a new repository:

1 – Go to your repositories page by clicking in the menu => Your repositories (see the image)

2 – Click on New button

3 – Fill out the Repository Name, choose if you want other people be able to see it (public or private), and click on Create repository button.

4 – It’s Done! In the new repository page, you’ll have some options to start the directory in your machine, let’s go through it.

2.3. How To Create The Project In Your Machine

Now you are going to create the project directory in your machine and associate it to the created repository:

  1. Install Git on your computer. You can download the latest version of Git in the Git Oficial Website.
  2. Create a new directory for your project on your computer.
  3. Open the command prompt or terminal and navigate to the directory you just created.
  4. Initialize a new Git repository by running the following command: git init.
    – This will create a .git directory to your project folder. In this folder will be stored the changes that we make to your project.
    – And will create a .gitignore file where you can define some files to not being sent to the repository.

3. How To Send The First File To Git

Now that you have started the Git in your project, you will create file into the project directory and you’re going to send it to the

  1. Create a file called In this file you can put some information about the project.
  2. Open the command prompt or terminal and navigate to the directory you just created.
  3. Add the file to the list of files to be sent by running git add
  4. Now you’ll save the added list to you git locally by running git commit -m "Put Here The Message That Describes The Files You Are Sending"
  5. You need to connect this directory to your remote repository by running git remote add origin
  6. Then, you’ll send the git saved files to you remote repository by running: git push -u origin main (I like master better than main :D)
  7. You’ll be asked to prompt you username and password (token created above).

4. Branches

4.1. What Is A Branch?

When we are working in a code versioning control system like Git, we have different branches to work on. By default, the repository get started with the a branch, usually called main or master.

This branch will be the main branch of the project and most of the times you’ll need to work on other branch before sending the changes to the main branch.

This is because the main branch usually is set up in a automatic deploy to staging/production environment. In this case the main branch needs to be protected from direct push.

4.2. How To Create A New Branch

  1. First, you need to go to the branch you want to start from by running git checkout main
  2. Now you’ll create a branch that will be a replica of it git checkout -b newBranchName
  3. Then enter into the branch you just created git checkout newBranchName

You can work on this branch and send your changes to it.

4.3. How To Push Changes To A New Branch

You can change your file, but inserting some text and send the changes to this branch.

  1. First, create and enter into the new branch: git checkout -b newBranchName
    If you have already created the branch, so you don’t need the -b, just run git checkout newBranchName
  2. Change the file
  3. Add the file git add
  4. Commit the changes git commit -m "changes to the file"
  5. Push the changes git push origin newBranchName

5. Pull Requests

5.1. What Is A Pull Request?

A pull request is a way to propose changes to a repository. It’s a good practice only aske to merge your changes they are finished. So to avoid commit unfinished code to the main branch and break the application, you can work on a separate branch and when the changes are finished you’ll propose them to be merged to the main branch.

5.2. How To Create A Pull Request?

Now that you have pushed the changes to the newBranchName`, you’ll ask to this branch me merged to the main branch.

1 – Click On Pull Requests
(I know that github is trying to help us by showing an option to create a Pull Request right there, but I’ll show the full path to creating it)

2 – Click on New Pull Request

3 – In the Comparison page, check carefully the information: base branch (main), compare branch (yours), changes and click on Create pull request.

4 – The set up of a Pull Requests depends on your company/team, but it is usually like this:

  • Fill out the title and description very described
  • Select the reviewer to approve your Pull Request
  • Assign the Pull Request to yourself, since it is your work
  • Select the appropriate labels
  • Click on Create A Pull Request

5.3. How To Do A Code Reviewing?

If you are the reviewer or if anyone can review the Pull Requests in your team, so it’s good to know how to review it.

Analyze the code

1 – Click on the Pull Request menu option, and then on the specific pull request you want to review.

Usually we analyze the Pull Requests from two perspectives: by reading the commits and the files changes.

2. Analyze the commit order and messages and their changes separately to understand the line of reasoning behind the changes.

Click on commits tabs and in the specific commit
See the changes for that specific commit

3. Analyze all the files changes if you want only see the final changes no matter the sequence of changes.

Click on the Files changed tab

Ask Changes

You can ask the developer to change something. It’s important here adopt a soft language to avoid conflicts, like suggestions, questions, tips. See the example below.

  1. Click on Review changes
  2. Fill out the reviewing text
  3. According the importance level of the asked changes, you’ll choose between just a Comment or Request Changes.
    If you choose Request Changes this will block the Pull Request from being merged by someone else, unless you approve the changes (or the admin remove your request)

If you have considerations about specific lines of code, it’s a good reviewing practice left the comment right on the line you are talking about.

  1. Hover the line
  2. Click on the + button
  3. Put the text and click on Start a review

Now you can finish your reviewing

Resolve Requested Changes In A Pull Request

After you send the requested changes, you can resolve the request by doing this:

  1. Check the comment is outdated
  2. Reply to the review comment
  3. Click on Resolve conversation
  4. Request a new review (github has this option but I can’t do this in my own PR)
Resolve conversartion
Re-request review

Approve And Merge Branch Changes

Click on Merge pull request, Confirm merge and Delete Branch (be calm you can restore it if you need)

6 . How To Get Changes From Others In The Repository

When working in a collaborative team, we’ll often need to get changes from the remote repository to our machine, in order to keep our project up-to-date. So you just need to run:

git checkout main //to go the branch you want to get the changes
git pull origin main //to get the changes from the remote to your local project

7. How To Delete A Repository

1 – Go to your repository you want to delete and click on Settings

2 – Scroll to the bottom of the page to the Danger Zone. There you have some good options, like change the visibility to make it public or private, and the Delete option. Click on Delete.
3 – Type the asked to confirm the deletion

4 – Perhaps you’ll be asked to prompt your password. Do it!

8. Conclusion

With the use of features such as pull requests, Git enables collaboration, code review, and discussion, leading to better code and a more efficient development process. As such, whether you’re working on an open-source project or developing software for your own company, understanding Git and its commands can greatly improve your workflow and productivity.

I recommend you read this other article of Codeium: the Best Free Github Copilot Alternative

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Robson Sousa

I’m Brazilian, married to Ludmila and Júlia’s father. I have lived in Timon, Teresina, Uberaba and now Goiânia. I had my first job as a Software Developer at 2010. From there to here, I have met so much talented people, learnt a lot from each different experience and collegues, and shared knowledge.

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